Sunday, May 18, 2008

American Copywriter

What does American Copywriter and the Boulevard Brewing Company have in common? If you are in the advertising field and listen to industry-related podcasts, you know the answer is John January and Tug McTighe!

John and Tug, the hosts of the popular podcast American Copywriter, were also the hosts of Thursday nights 2008 AdWars at the Boulevard Brewery.

I had a chance to meet our hosts for the evening and was able to get a picture taken with them (below).

American Copywriter is one of my favorite podcasts and so I was honored to be able to meet them. John works at Sullivan Higdon and Sink in the Crossroads and Tug works at Callahan Creek in Lawrence. Both have a knack for comedy and are great on their semi-regular podcast.

I encourage all of you to check out American Copywriter if you get the chance and are interested in listening to something not only interesting, but pretty funny.

What's your favorite podcast?

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